In the film “The Garden Of Eden” there is a Viennese youngster who wants to be an Opera singer; there are “pretzels”, a rustic Bulgarian “Grand Palais” run by a staff manageress with a will of iron, a wardrobe lady with secrets, broken dreams, loose-living aristocrats ( this seems to be an obvious thing, natürlich!), unexpected trips to Monte Carlo, railway stations, Colonels and opportunistic people, many different hotel rooms, silly affairs, love songs, wedding marches and a wedding.
Unfortunately Herr Milestone is not Herr Lubitsch or Herr Von Stroheim (though he is much influenced by those great film directors) and Damen Corrine Griffith, despite her many close-ups lighted “à la Garbo”, is not the Swedish actress anymore than Herr Charles Gray is even a minimally believable ladies' man.
“The Garden Of Eden” doesn’t work as European light opera or as high comedy due its very skimpy plot ( Indeed, this type of film does not require a great story, but it does need the proper rhythm and a great deal of talent to bring it off). The film is full of silly and clumsy gags though this German Count did like the set design, three or four camera tricks and some of the funny supporting actors. These few merits are not enough to redeem a film that copiesthe masters but has nothing new to contribute to the genre and this German Count always prefers the original to the imitation.
And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must go on a sudden trip to Monte Carlo, the original Monte Carlo.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien
En el filme “The Garden Of Eden” hay una chica vienesa que quiere ser cantante de ópera, hay pretzels, un “Grand Palais” rústico búlgaro regentado por una férrea gobernanta, hay asistentas con secretos, sueños rotos, aristócratas libertinos ( una obviedad, natürlich! ), viajes inesperados a Montecarlo, estaciones de tren, coroneles y vividores varios, variadas habitaciones de hotel, “affaires” simplones, canciones de amor, marchas nupciales y una boda.
Desafortunadamente Herr Milestone no es Herr Lubitsch o Herr Von Stroheim ( su sombra planea constantemente durante todo el filme ), como tampoco Damen Corinne Griffith es la Garbo por mucho que se la ilumine con primerísimos primeros planos o Herr Charles Gray un galán mínimamente creíble.
“The Garden Of Eden” ni funciona como opereta europea ni como un filme de alta comedia, al tener una trama baladí ( no es necesaria una gran historia para éste género cinematográfico, pero sí mucho talento para saber mantener el ritmo ) repleta de gags simplones pésimamente resueltos, pudiendo solamente destacar éste aristócrata teutón de éste filme, un cuidado diseño artístico, tres o cuatro movimientos de cámara y unos curiosos secundarios, pocos méritos para un filme que copia sin aportar nada propio al género y éste aristócrata germánico siempre ha preferido el original a la copia.
Y ahora si me lo permiten les dejo momentáneamente, pues este Conde teutón tiene que hacer un viaje repentino a Montecarlo, el auténtico Montecarlo.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien
1 Kommentar:
TRIVIA "Corinne Griffith is very haughty and disdainful and looks at no one but her dogs. She is disliked by every one" .from a letter to a friend by a secretary.
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